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Top 10 World’s Most Powerful People In 2018

There are nearly 7.5 billion humans on planet Earth, but these 75 men and women make the world turn. Forbes' annual ranking of The World’s Most Powerful People identifies one person out of every 100 million whose actions mean the most.

This year's list highlights the consolidation of power in the hands of an elite few. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, seizes the top spot for the first time ever after China’s congress amended its constitution in March, broadening his influence and eliminating term limits. He enjoys a cult of personality not seen since Chairman Mao.

Top of the list:

1 Xi Jinping China  
2 Vladimir Putin Russia  
3 Donald Trump United States  
4 Angela Merkel Germany  
5 Jeff Bezos  
6 Pope Francis Roman Catholic Church  
7 Bill Gates Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation  
8 Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud 🇸🇦Saudi Arabia  
9 Narendra Modi India  
10 Larry Page Google

Other people are: 

11 Jerome H. Powell United States  
12 Emmanuel Macron France  
13 Mark Zuckerberg Facebook  
14 Theresa May United Kingdom  
15 Li Keqiang China  
16 Warren Buffett Berkshire Hathaway  
17 Ali Hoseini-Khamenei Iran  
18 Mario Draghi European Central Bank  
19 Jamie Dimon JPMorgan Chase  
20 Carlos Slim Helu America Movil SAB de CV (ADR)  
21 Jack Ma Alibaba Group  
22 Christine Lagarde International Monetary Fund  
23 Doug McMillon Wal-Mart Stores  
24 Tim Cook Apple  
25 Elon Musk Tesla  
26 Benjamin Netanyahu Israel  
27 Ma Huateng Tencent Holdings

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