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Troops intercept suicide bomber in Maiduguri

Troops of the `Operation Lafiya Dole’, on Thursday at about 6:30am, intercepted a male suicide bomber on the outskirts of Maiduguri and neutralised the bomb he strapped on himself.
The acting Director of Army Public Relations, Col. Sani Usman, said in a statement that the terrorist attempted to infiltrate the city through the troops’ forward defences at Jidari Polo general area.
Usman said the terrorist came in through Alidawari village about 4 kms ahead of Jidari and strapped himself with a heavy Improvised Explosive Devices vest.

“The vigilant troops, on sighting him, laid in wait for the intruder then vehemently refused to stop despite several warnings and challenges.
A marksman neutralised the suicide bomber.
“The combined team of the Nigerian Army and Nigeria Police Explosive Ordinance Device, safely detonated the IED-laden vest on the suicide bomber,” he said.

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